Welcome, I'm Nat.

Here you’ll find simple, delicious mocktail recipes that can be made at home with easy to find ingredients.

Why mocktails, you ask?

A few years ago, I identified that alcohol and I were no longer friends. I had come to rely on it just a little too much, and found it was taking more than it was giving.

But I missed my afternoon wind down (wine down?) drink. Cue – non-alcoholic cocktails!

Using fresh ingredients from my garden and a newfound curiosity for mixology, I started experimenting with flavors and textures. I sent these recipes onto friends and family and the feedback was incredible – and so began The Mindful Mocktail.

But can we make them...better for you?

Now, after years of tweaking recipes, speaking with mixologists and following healthy drinking trends, I try to focus on mocktail recipes with benefits, that are lower in refined sugar and better for you than traditional mocktails. I also worked with a nutritionist on my book The Mindful Mocktail.

Of course, I’ll always include indulgences….because who doesn’t love a classic Shirley Temple mocktail or creamy non-alcoholic Piña Colada?

As seen in...

I’ve also been blessed to be featured by some of the best publications, which always makes me do a little happy dance….

A logo summary of all publications including Yahoo GoodFood BuzzFedd The Age Womens Health Dry July Medium Business Insider

Plus I get to work with the BEST of the best alcohol-free drinks brands...

And I LOVE sharing the best non-alcoholic drinks on the market and connecting brands with their ideal audience. Between my website, Instagram, TikTok and Pinterest, I reach millions of people worldwide every year.

Curious about working together? Email me at

Let's talk about living alcohol-free for a minute

While you’ll never find me preaching (because who likes a preacher, honestly?), I also love educating my awesome readers on the benefits of taking a break from alcohol or drinking less in general. Over the years I’ve received plenty of questions about this, so I created some resources on living an alcohol-free or sober curious lifestyle too!

No time to read? I hear you!

Below are a handful of podcasts I’ve been a guest on, you’ll hear more about my story there.

This Naked Mind with Annie Grace

How I Quit Alcohol with Danni Carr

Hope Rising Coaching with Emma Gilmour

Knock Off Drinks With A Difference With Amy Armstrong

Booze Free Bants with Breeza and Maso

Or maybe socials are your thing?

Follow me on one or all!




You Tube


Whatever you’re here for, I’m so happy we found each other! Don’t forget to grab your free mocktail recipe e-book so you can get started at home and we can keep in touch with my weekly newsletter.

Cheers to you....and your health!
